Friday, December 4, 2009

Pen Nat contest for $50.00 on my "Live"Web Show!

Players & Cappers!

Win & Place Contest!

When: Sat Nite 12-5-09 Free to play Pen Nat contest for $50.00.

Who can play? .. Anyone

Handiman & I have decided to treat our viewers & readers with a nite of Appreciation & Fun on my "Live" Web Show! Anyone can play. The rules are straight forward & simple ...

1) Player MUST play every race 1-9

2) Player picks 1 horse per race only!

3) Players will post their pick in my Chat box & I will score them.

4) Player Selection must run 1st or 2nd to score.
Whatever the mutual payout is we just add them up for all 9 races.

5) Winner is player who scores the highest mutual for all 9 races.

6) Winner receives $50.00 thru Pay Pal by Sunday noon.

My "Live" Show starts at 6pm Sat Nite.

Hope to see you all there!

Best of Luck & let's see who wants to take our money!

Ultimate Selector! & Handiman :tiphat